AICD Company Directors Course

Who is this course for?


The AICD Company Directors Course™ is tailored to members of Church ministry and agency boards, trustees and senior organisational leaders, through customised case studies in decision making, ethics and law. The case studies are based on real experiences of boards in the Catholic setting, developed in consultation with expert governors, and they form a critical part of the delivery of the course.

Whilst there is no formal prerequisite for the AICD Company Directors Course, it is strongly recommended that participants have substantial professional experience or have completed the AICD Foundations of Directorship Course™.

2020 Company Directors Course™ Dates & Online Registration
Event Location Event Date Registrations Close
Online via Zoom ( 1 day a week over 5 weeks) November 2021


Key benefits of the course

This program will:

  • Equip you with the knowledge you need to ensure you understand your role and the compliance issues for your board.
  • Lead you beyond compliance to better understand the governance expectations and the ethical considerations for the Church context.
  • Help you to build a better board, and to improve and streamline board processes.
  • Focus your future strategic discussions and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to monitor your organisation’s financial performance and risk management.
  • Broaden your view of leadership and governance and provide direction to help you improve your personal performance and consequently the performance of your organisation.
  • The assessment for the Company Directors Course™ needs to be completed if you are planning to use the course to gain advanced standing in an MBA program.
  • On successful completion of the Company Directors Course assessment, BBI-TAITE will award one credit transfer into our Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma in Leadership & Theology or Governance & Canon Law (each valued at approx $2,200).


  • Assessment is not compulsory.
  • You may use the post nominals if you wish to be a financial member of AICD.

Course Fee

  • AICD Company Directors Course™, over 5 days, tailored to Church governance
  • BBI-TAITE is a member of the Catholic Religious Group (CRG). Members of CRG are not be required to pay GST to each other (cf ATO).
  • Please click here to view our cancellation policy.


  • To register online and pay by credit card, please click on the course dates above.
  • Alternatively, download the brochure, complete the registration form and return by email to You can pay by cheque, EFT or credit card.


For registration enquiries, please contact:
Belinda Srour
T: 02 9030 8638 or E:



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