Professor Richard Rymarz – publications

Scholarly Books

Scholarly Books

2023. Working in Catholic A toolkit for teachers. Mulgave: Garratt (with Angelo Belmonte and Sandra Harvey)

2022. Formation of Teachers for Catholic School: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era. Singapore: Springer ( coedited with Leonardo Franchi).

2021. Teaching religious education in Catholic schools: Embracing a New Era. Mulgrave, Vic: David Garratt Publishing. Coauthored with Engebretson and Hyde

2020. Preparing for Leadership: A Guide for Emerging Catholic Schol Leaders. Mulgrave: John Garratt Publishing (coauthored with Angelo Belmonte).

2016. Authentic Catholic Schools. Toronto: Novalis.

2014. So You’re Teaching Religion: Some Teaching Strategies for the Beginner. Toronto: Novalis

2013. Teaching Religious Education in Catholic Schools: Canadian Perspectives.  Australia: David Barlow

2013. Taking the Next Step: Teaching Religious Education in Catholic Schools. Australia: David Barlow Publishing (co authored with Brendan Hyde)

2012. The New Evangelization: Issues and Challenges for Catholic School. Ballan, Vic.: Connor Court.

2011. Introduction to Theology: A Guide for Catholic Educators. New York: Linus Publications. (co- authored with Don McLeod)

2009. Religious Education in Catholic Primary Schools. Australia: David Barlow Publishing. Co-authored with Brendan Hyde.

2008. Cornerstones of Catholic Secondary Religious Education: Principles and Practice of the New Evangelization. Terrigel, NSW: David Barlow Publications. Co-authored with Engebretson, DeSouza, and Buchanan.

2008. An Introduction to Catholic Education. Terrigel, NSW: David Barlow Publications. Co-authored with Buchanan.

2008. First steps in RE. Ballan, VIC: Connor Court Publishing. Co-authored with Hyde.

2006. Leadership in Religious Education. Strathfield: St. Paul Publications. Editor.

2004. Making Our Way Through Primary RE. Homebush: Social Science Press. Co authored with Healy and Hyde.

2003. Thriving as an R.E Teacher: A Handbook for Secondary Religious Educators. Tuggerah, NSW: Social Science Press. Co-authored with Engebretson and Fleming.

Chapters in Scholarly Books

2023. Setting a research agenda for Catholic education. In, Researching Catholic Education, S. Whittle, (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer, in press

2015. Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools. In Michael Buchanan and Adrian Gelliel, (Eds), Religious Education in Catholic Schools: International Perspectives. Amsterdam: Springer, in press

2014. Teaching Complex Topics.  In Kathleen Engebretson, Catholic Schools and the Future of the Church. New York: Bloomsbury, 107-120.

2013. The challenges facing the Church today: Thirty years on.  In Priest, poet and theologian: Essays in honour of Anthony Kelly CSsR. Neil Ormerod and Robert Gascoigne (Eds.)  Preston, Vic.: Mosaic Press, 205-218.

2011. The Place of Religion in a Curriculum for Global Citizenship Education. Lynette Schultz and Mohamed Ati (Eds.) Education and Global Citizenship. Munich: Peter Lang.

2007. The Right to Religious Formation. In James Franklin (Ed), Life to the Full: Rights and Social Justice in Australia. Ballan, Vic: Connor Court Publishing.

2006. Between Heaven and Earth: Challenges Facing Orthodox Christian Youth in Western Societies. In deSouza, M., Durkha, G., Engebretson, K., McGrady, A., Jackson, R. (Eds.), International Handbook of the Religious, Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of Education. Amsterdam:Springers, 513-525.

2006. Working with Teachers. In Rymarz, R. (Ed), Leadership in Religious Education. Strathfield: St. Paul Publications.

2006. Generation In-Between. The Participation of Generation X in Lifelong Learning. In Chapman, J., Cartwright, P. and McGilp, E. (Eds), Lifelong Learning, Participation and Equity. Dordecht: Springer.

Religious Education Textbooks

2006. Catholic Senior Secondary School Studies. Melbourne: James Goold Publication. Contributing author.

2004. Catholic Ethical Thinking for Senior Secondary Students. Melbourne: James Goold Publication. Contributing author.

2002. To Know, Worship and Love. Year 7 Religious Education Text. Melbourne: James Goold Publishing.

2002. To Know, Worship and Love. Year 7 Teacher Companion. Melbourne: James Goold Publishing.

2002. To Know, Worship and Love. Year 8 Religious Education Text. Melbourne: James Goold Publishing.

2002. To Know, Worship and Love. Year 7 Teacher Companion. Melbourne: James Goold Publishing.

Invited Guest Editor: Editorials

2010. Editorial Compass: Review of Topical Theology. 44(2), 1-2.

2009. Editorial Journal of Adult Theological Education, 6(1), 5-7. With Alison LeCornu.

Peer Reviewed Journals

(Most Recent Publications)

2024 Away From the Big Smoke: A Study of Australian Catholic Schools in Remote and Outback Areas. Australasian Catholic Record, in press.

2023 A Narrative Approach to Discerning Some Key Issues for Catholic Education in a More Synodal Church. Religions, Special Edition, 4, 23-39

2023 Let’s Unpack That! Teaching about the Trinity in Australian Catholic High Schools. Review of Religious Education and Theology, 3, 17-33

2023 Principal’s Perceptions of Barriers for the Formation of Teachers in Catholic Schools. Leading and Managing: Journal of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (Coauthored with Angelo Belmonte).

2022 And Now I’m Teaching in a Catholic School – the Experiences of Early Career Teachers (ECT) in Lismore Catholic Schools and What Can Be Learned to Support Their Formation: A Preliminary Study. Paedagogia Christiana, 49, 210-225 (with Kurt Challioner and Joan Lancaster)

2022 What’s Old is New Again? A Reflection on the 70th Anniversary of the Journal of Religious Education. Journal of Religious Education,

2022 Living Water Year 11-12 Senior RE Praxis Course: Overview and Implementation . Review of Religious Education and Theology, 2, 23=28. Coauthored with Travers.

2022 Recontextualisation and the search for relevance: a double-edged sword? Journal of Religious Education volume 70, 95–108, coauthored with Lacey and Waldeck

2022 It’s Where I Feel at Home’: An Investigation of Young Adult Catholic Members
of an Australian Traditional Latin Mass Community. The Australasian Catholic Record, 99, 1, 32-49.
2021 Utilizing authenticity: Options for Catholic education in a particular detraditionalized cultural context. Religions, 12(10), 807;
2021 Where the teachers know my name: Old and new challenges for Catholic schools. Review of Religious Education and Theology, 1, 27-43.
2021 Investigating the Work of School Based Religious Education Leaders in Australian Catholic Schools, Religious Education, Religious Education DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2021.1978160

2021 Only she can teach it! Investigating exemplary RE teachers Journal of Religious Education (co-authored with Janina starkey DOI 10.1007/s40839-021-00136-8
2020 “I like the practical side.” Early career teachers in Catholic schools, interpretative autonomy and negotiating secular and religious boundaries. A preliminary study. Pedagogia Cristina, 14, 127-143.

2020 “We like things that move!”Exploring Student Preferences for Presentation of Textbook Resources in Religious Education. Greek Journal of Religious Education, 27. 111-127.
2020 Catholic schools, accompaniment and subsidiarity: Some teacher observations from a small, regional school system,” eJournal of Catholic Education in Australasia: Vol. 4 : Iss. 1 , Article 2.
2020 The questions students ask? A preliminary examination of the questions raised in religious education classes in Catholic schools. British Journal of Religious Education, coauthored with Angelo Belmonte,

2016. We Need a Hundred More Like Him! The Challenge of Catechesis and New Ecclesial Communities, Australasian Catholic Record, in press

2016. Implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Review of Religious Research, in press (co authored with Sylvia Forrow)

2016. Comparing Catholic and non-Catholic Students in Catholic Schools:  Some Implications for Understanding of Secularization. Compass – in press (co authored with Anthony Cleary)

2016. Kids Today!  A Perspective from Students in Australian Catholic Schools. Compass – in press (co authored with Anthony Cleary)

2015. We Need a Hundred More Like Him!  The Challenge of Catechesis and New Ecclesial Communities. Australasian Catholic Record – in press.

2015. Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools, in Gelliel, A and Buchanan, M. (Eds.) Religious Education in Catholic Schools: an International Perspective.  Netherlands: Springer – in press

2014. Some Ideas for Using Film in Religious Education.  Religious Education Journal of Australia, 30(2), 217-219.

2014. What’s in a Name! The Post Secular, Secularization and Adult Theological Education. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 11(2), 100-109

2014. And Now I Find Myself Here’:  Some Life History Narratives of Religious Education Coordinators in Catholic Schools. International Studies in Catholic Education, 2014, 6(2), 191-201 – coauthored with Angelo Belmonte

2014. “If We Don’t Do It, No One Will” Some Sociological Considerations on the Ukrainian Greco Catholic Church in Canada. Journal of Religion & Society, 16, 127- 142

2014. Families and the New Evangelization: Some Reflections before the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Australasian Catholic Record, 91(2), 203-214

2014. Exploring the Life History of Religious Leaders in Australian Catholic Schools. Review of Religious Research, 56(3), 485-487. Coauthored with Angelo Belmonte

2013. Religious transition: beliefs and life histories of some Canadian Anglo Catholics. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 34(2), 235-244.

2013. Permeation of religious identity: Some challenges for Canadian Catholic schools – Part 2. Journal of Religious Education, 61(2), 50-56.

2013. Direct Instruction as a pedagogical tool in religious education. British Journal of Religious Education, 35(3), 326-341.

2013. Further down the road: Longitudinal study of retreat leaders from Catholic schools. Review of Religious Research, 55, 529-530 (with Fran Caudron)

2013. Permeation of Catholic Identity: Some Challenges for Canadian Catholic Schools – Part 1. Journal of Religious Education. 61(1), 15-23

2013. Coming to Rome: Some Anglo Catholic Life Histories and Religious Transition, Review of Religious Research, 55(2), 377-378

2013. Comparing Religious Education in Canadian and Australian Catholic High Schools: Identifying Some Key Structural Issues. British Journal of Religious Education, 35(2), 175-188.

2012. Living vicariously: Some implications of the New Evangelization for Catholic schools.  The Catholic Social Science Review. 17, 109-122.

2012. Is Evangelization Need Today? Some Personal and Sociological Reflections.  The Australasian Catholic Record, 89(3), 272-282.

2012. Teaching about the Trinity: Icons, puzzles and active learning. Religious Education Journal of Australia, 28(2), 45-47.

2012. Setting textbook frameworks for religious education in Catholic schools: Recent developments in the United States.  Journal of Religious Education, 60(3), 46-54.

2012. Isn’t There a Town Named After Him?  Content Knowledge and Teacher Training in Religious Education.  Journal of Religious Education,  60(2), 37-46

2012. Teaching Ethics and Religious Culture in Quebec: Some Reflections on Religious Education in a Secular Culture. Religious Education, 107(3), 295-310

2012. Faithful Dissent? Tackling the Immediate Issues Facing Religious Educators in Canadian Catholic Schools – A Response to McDonough. International Studies in Catholic Education, 4(1), 82-91.

2011. Faithful Presence: A Conceptual Model for Catholic Education in Secular Cultures. Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 30(2), 309-324

2011. Evangelization of Young Adults in the Third Millennium. Australian eJournal of Theology 10(2)

2011. Catechesis and Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools. Religious Education, 106(5), 537-549

2011. Teaching about Augustine: Providing a Scaffolding for Learning Journal of Adult Theological Education –coauthored woth Gerard McClarney, 27(1), 23-41.

2011. Tales about the Future of Catholic Schools:The Story of Bob and Cathy. Compass: A Review of Topical Theology, 45(2), 24-28.

2011. Ukrainian Greek Catholic Young Adults at World Youth Day: A Study of Highly Committed Young Adults. Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 52(1-2), 19-35

2011. The New Evangelization in an Ecclesiological Context –Heythrop Journal LII ,  772–784

2011. Let’s Discuss That! Using Discussion in Religious Education. Australian Journal of Religious Education. 27(2), 44-47

2011. Teaching about the Reformation: Ideas for Practitioners. Religious Education Journal of Australia, (27), 44-46.

2011. A Study of Albertan Catholic Homeschoolers: Some Implications for Intergenerational Transfer of Religious Culture within Families. Journal for the Study of Marriage and Spirituality, 17/1, 48-51.

2011. The Future of Catholic Schools in a Secular Culture of Religious Choice. Journal of Religion & Society, 13(1).

2011. Doing God’s Work: A Study of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Catechists in Alberta. Journal of Religious Education, 58(4), 45-52.

2010. Going Beyond the Plateau: Ministry to Young Catholic Adults in the Third Millennium. Journal of Youth and Theology, 9(2), 78-93.

2010. Religious Identity of Catholic Schools: Some Challenges from a Canadian Perspective. Journal of Beliefs and Values– 31(3), 29-310.

2010. The New Evangelization: A Look at the Growing Range of Reference. Compass: A Review of Topical Theology. 44(2), 24-28.

2010. The Church in Australia: Some Thoughts on the Immediate Future. Compass: A Review of Topical Theology. 44(2), 10-15.

2010. Conversion and the New Evangelization: A Perspective from Lonergan. Heythrop Journal. 51(5), 753-768.

2010. Theological, Sociological and Historical Factors Influencing the Evangelical Turn in Contemporary Catholicism. New Blackfriars Review, 91(1033), 253-266.

2010. John Paul II and the New Evangelization: Origins and Meaning. Australian Ejournal of Theology, Vol. 15.

2010. A Fork in the Road:  Religious Quest and Secularization. Australasian Catholic Record. 87(3), 259-271.