D’Orsa, Jim and Therese eds. New Ways of Living the Gospel: Spiritual Traditions in Catholic Education. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2015.
D’Orsa, Therese ‘Leading for Mission in Chaotic Times’. Dominican Leaders’ Colloquium Siena College Camberwell, August, 2014. opeast.org.au.
D’Orsa, Therese. ‘Catholic Curriculum – the Human Face(s)’. Queensland Catholic Education Commission QCEC Colloquium: Infusing the Explicit (Taught) Curriculum with Catholic Perspectives, 2013 www.qcec.catholic.edu.
D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Leading for Mission: Integrating Life, Culture and Faith in Catholic Education. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2013.
D’Orsa Jim and Therese ‘Mission and Catholic Education’ in Stephen B. Bevans A Century of Catholic Mission: Roman Catholic Missiology 1910 to the Present. Oxford: Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 2013.
Jim and Therese D’Orsa. ‘Globalisation and Christian Education: Impacts and Responses’ in Peter Price (ed) Interface, Vol 16 No 2, 2013.
D’Orsa, Therese and Jim. ‘Securing Mission at the Heart of the Australian Church’ in Ormerod, N., Rush, O., Pascoe, D., Johnson, C., and Hodge, J. (eds) Vatican II: Reception and Implementation in the Australian Church. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2012.
D’Orsa, Therese. ‘Mission Education – Meaning-making in God’s Global Household’ Australian Journal of Mission Studies, 2012.
D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Catholic Curriculum: A Mission to the Heart of Young People. Mulgrave: Garratt, 2011.
D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Explorers, Guides and Meaning-makers: Mission Theology for Catholic Educators. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2009.