Professor Peter Bolt

ThL(ACT), DipA(Theol) (Moore College), BD (London), MTh (ACT), MA (Hons) (Macquarie), PhD (London)

Professor Peter G. Bolt has been the Academic Director at the Sydney College of Divinity since March 2016. He is the Director of the SCD Centre for Gospels & Acts Research and the Editor of the Journal of Gospels and Acts Research. A graduate of Moore College, Australian College of Theology, Macquarie University, and King’s College London, he is a New Testament scholar with research strengths in the Gospels and Acts, Biblical Theology, magic and demonology, and interests in eschatology, the earliest Christian missionary movement, and the intersection between the New Testament and the Graeco-Roman world.

Peter is the author of numerous scholarly publications, especially related to Mark’s Gospel, mission, and Australian Anglican church history. He has been head of New Testament and Greek at Moore Theological College and has served national and international academic and church organizations in a range of roles. His ongoing research interests now centre on writing commentaries on several books of the New Testament.