Catholic Social Justice Teachings (Catholic Identity Series)

Join us as we cover eight sessions over sixteen weeks to develop an accurate foundational knowledge of the Catholic Social Justice tradition. The course contributes to the formation of governors, leaders, staff and volunteers so that you have the capacity to draw on core concepts and key teachings of Catholic Social Teaching to respond authentically to different issues and events.

Dates: TBA
Delivery: This course will be offered via an online learning portal and will require internet access.
Course Fee: $330 + GST (discount available for group bookings – contact Gerard Moore for details)
Duration: The online coursework will comprise of eight sessions (16 hours in total)
Facilitator: TBA
Who should attend? Staff and volunteers of dioceses and catholic organisations, especially those with responsibilities engaging the social dimension of the mission of the Church; teachers; executives and other mission leaders; board members and trustees of Catholic organisations.