Adult Faith Online is a series of short, online courses which focus on aspects of our faith and require reading, listening and reflection.

Like a book club, you can discuss ideas in an online community or create your own adult faith study group. Adult Faith Online can also be used for staff accreditation of both teaching and non-teaching personnel in Catholic schools.

To view our current list of Faith Formation and Professional Development courses, click HERE

To view the courses available to

  • All staff in Catholic schools, school boards, Catholic hospitals, Catholic aged care
  • Parishioners involved in ministry, Parish Pastoral Councils, other Parish staff
  • Individuals, parishioners interested in spiritual enrichment and education
  • Groups of parishioners, catechists, scripture study groups, book clubs and religious communities
  • Flexible affordable online courses
  • Learn for pleasure with no assessment or exams
  • Available to anyone with a computer and internet
  • Student-centred learning with support from a BBI-TAITE Adult Faith Educator
  • Concise learning – courses take 6 to 8 hours to complete
  • Flexible –join anytime of the year, do one course or all of the courses

Many Catholic Education Offices (CEOs) and Catholic Schools Offices (CSOs) across various Dioceses in Australia have implemented an Accreditation Framework for Catholic schools whereby all staff, including teachers, non-teaching staff, coordinators and those in school and system leadership, are required to undertake ongoing formation.

The Adult Faith Online courses offered by BBI – The Australian Institute of Theological Education (BBI-TAITE) provide schools with a ready-made pathway to offer teaching and non-teaching staff ongoing formation in Religious Education and Catholic Identity.

To find out more about using Adult Faith Online for staff accreditation, please contact BBI-TAITE on 02 9030 8638.

Adult Faith Online courses are flexible and affordable. You can enrol any time during the year.

Our Adult Faith course pricing and enrolments can be accessed at