Introduction to Mission (Catholic Identity Series)

The Church is by its very nature missionary (Ad Gentes 2). Mission is its very reason for existing. It is the Church’s beginning, endpoint, and life of the Church. It is mission which creates Church, and the Church is at the service of the mission. Mission is not an instrument of the Church, rather Church is the instrument of mission.

This course of eight sessions is for all those who want to explore the breadth and depth of their personal and professional life lived as mission, aligning that with God’s dream for all creation. It is especially helpful for those in leadership roles of mission; school leaders and teachers, staff and volunteers of Catholic agencies and organisations, who work daily for the realisation of God’s kingdom in the world.

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Dates: Part 1
22 July 2024
29 July 2024
5 August 2024
12 August 2024
Part 2
26 August 2024
2 September 2024
9 September 2024
16 September
Delivery: This course will be offered via an online learning portal and will require internet access.
Course Fee: $330 + GST (discount available for group bookings – contact Gerard Moore for details)
Duration: The online coursework will comprise of eight sessions (16 hours in total)
Facilitator: Patrick Fox, Mission Formation, Catholic Mission