Financial Support



Australian students are eligible to apply for Austudy.

All students wishing to utilise FEE-HELP must read the Federal Government’s FEE-HELP information booklet, Students applying for a FEE HELP loan and select the relevant option when submitting an application.

Awards and courses comprise of units mainly in the area of study that you are enrolled in. Note however, your studies will usually include units in other disciplines, eg the Graduate Certificate of Governance & Canon Law and Theological Studies usually includes units coded ‘GOVC’ and ‘THEO’, charged at different amounts.

The same applies to elective units. If you are enrolled in a Master of Leadership & Theology course and wish to take a Religious Education unit as an elective, the fee for that elective is the fee for a REDU unit. Please view our Schedule of Tuition Fees for more information.

All of BBI-TAITE’s new courses are nested, meaning that they build on one another, ensuring that students receive credit for courses previously accomplished and reducing the total number of units which must be completed to attain the qualification. Students who have completed relevant study elsewhere may also be eligible for recognition of this prior learning, which would reduce the overall length of their course with BBI-TAITE.

  • From 2020, the HELP loan limit will include HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and VET Students Loans. The HELP loan limit will replace the current FEE-HELP limit from 1 January 2020.
  • For 2020, the HELP limit is $106,319 in tuition fees for most students over the lifetime of a student.
  • Student repayments commence if personal income reaches $45,881 (2019-20 income year).
  • If you never earn above the threshold, you will never have to repay your debt.
  • There is no loan fee or interest applied to FEE-HELP for postgraduate study.
  • Students select the FEE-HELP option when they enrol in their first award or course in BBI-TAITE’s student management system Paradigm.
  • The Commonwealth Government pays FEE-HELP directly to BBI-TAITE.
  • FEE-HELP allows you to study from anywhere in the world, as long as you are an Australian citizen.